RQR Architects.
José Ramón Rodríguez Fernández 

Where creativity meets functionality​

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RQR Arquitectura is a studio dedicated to architecture that covers a wide range of projects on different scales. From public to private buildings, we immerse ourselves in construction, urban planning and interior decoration with passion and commitment. Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to approach each challenge with creativity and expertise, bringing your architectural visions to life.

Estética moderna.

Descubre la arquitectura en Tenerife con una funcionalidad profunda que combina estilo y eficiencia en cada diseño.

In our projects, we fuse contemporary aesthetics with comprehensive functionality, incorporating avant-garde technologies adapted to the environment. We integrate innovative elements using the latest construction techniques available

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Reforma y Arquitectura en tenerife
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Rqr arquitectos

Arquitectura tenerife

Estilo Modernista en Tenerife

We explore, adapt and create, always keeping the style you want at the center.​

Diseño de arquitectura

Each design is a unique expression of your style, and we work tirelessly to make it a reality.


We explore new dimensions through innovation in architectural structure


In each project, functionality is the foundation on which we build tangible dreams

Clients trust us
Fulfilled projects
Quality in our work​

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